The analytical space is one in which there exists an interplay of environmental and psychosomatic factors, where flows of energy and lines of force exist between analyst and analysand, and where spatial, temporal and geographical dimensions interconnect. Freud describes unconscious transmission between different individuals and gives this the category of 'a given'. By 'transformative impetus' refer to a set of strategies and technical premises which are aimed at achieving certain objectives in the curative process. Although a total cure is an impossible objective, every responsible analyst is focused on the goal of attenuating the pathology and improving the mental health of the patient. An interpretation is a group of words articulated with the intention of producing a liberating effect on the psyche. It takes the form of an attempt to communicate with the unconscious. Interpretation, the fundamental task in psychoanalysis, is complemented by the presence of the analyst. Nacht even gave a greater value to 'presence' than to interpretation.