This chapter provides a test of the status of realization of the gross domestic product (GDP) quadrupling plan in 1995 by presenting an index of province-level GDP for each five years from 1980, with the 1980 baseline equaling 100. Taking the top provinces in order of highest achievement, the best six are Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Hainan, Jiangsu, and Shandong. All are located along the coast. The main disparities in regional income in China are disparities at the province level among the provinces in the eastern region and disparities among the three great regions of the East, Center, and West. At the province level in the East, the greatest disparities are the gaps between the income levels of Shanghai, Beijing, and Tianjin and the provinces of Guangxi, Hebei, and Hainan. The chapter presents a breakdown of share of gross output value at the province level of enterprises according to ownership, enterprise scale, and heavy or light industrial structure.