Sharing method is a Tier 2 Method (T2M) used to determine whether components of two or more starting points can be shared. This T2M may yield various benefits by revealing alternative embodiments of a solution, increasing a provider’s surplus, reducing user costs, and removing constraints. Sharing can be either asynchronous or simultaneous. Asynchronous sharing means that the shared component is used at different times by multiple components for different purposes. Simultaneous sharing means that the shared component is used by multiple components at the same time, but for different purposes. This chapter discusses 9 T3Ms organized into three categories based on the specific search variables. The first category focus on sharing structural components; each original starting point continues to operate independently without changing how the solution functions. The second category focus on functionality. The third category focus on space and/or time by allowing two or more independent solutions to be implemented at the same time or location without sharing functionality.