Chapter 6 concentrates on examining academic internal drive vitality as one dimension of the academic innovation competence model. Conceptualizing the academic innovation competence is associated with identifying the dimensions of backgrounds, ideas, and implications. Academic internal drive vitality is the core psychological foundation of the academic innovation ability of university teachers. The components of academic drive vitality of university teachers mainly include four aspects: the internal drive vitality of academic research; the internal drive vitality of academic organization; the internal drive vitality of academic exchange; and the internal drive vitality of academic communication. Colleges and universities should focus on academic university teachers with vigor, stimulating the university teachers’ academic exploration research, encouraging university teachers within the dynamic displacement of the tutor (yearning heart, curiosity, seeking knowledge, exploring) for a psychological basis, respecting the rule of academic development value, for university teachers to provide for comfortable gender relations and the academic innovation protection atmosphere of equality, democracy and mechanism. This innovation is a fluid, subversive and changing force. Innovation is an inexhaustible source of power for the development and progress of a nation. Universities are the cradle of innovation, and the innovation of university teachers is crucial to strengthening the comprehensive innovation and competitiveness of the country.