This chapter suggests some options for working on muscles, bones, feet, knees and hips, backs, necks, balance, sitting, walking and running. Muscles tend to weaken after 30 years old and especially after 70. Moving in any way helps counteract this deterioration, but there are also some exercises which are particularly effective. Like press-ups, squats are a weight-bearing exercise, widely used and effective. They are more practical for some of people than press-ups. Bones tend to become less dense and therefore weaker in old age. The main causes of this are not enough calcium and vitamin D, so eating dairy foods and protein, and getting plenty of sunshine, can be helpful. The health of young feet is often taken for granted. In contrast, old feet are prone to several problems, for example dry skin forming corns, thickening toenails and fungus infections. Neck pain is common and not usually a sign of serious illness, though it is of course painful and awkward.