Shared-vision skills are the skills to identify, record and commit to mutual goals. Mutual-determinism skills are the skills that take charge of the team’s destiny. Anticipation skills are the skills to see the barriers to the goals that lie ahead. After recognizing that we have control over our destiny with mutual-determinism skills, we look into the future, determined and motivated by our shared vision. We are becoming empowered to take the next step—spotting barriers that we may encounter. Through anticipation skills, we can detect and deal with these barriers. Choosing skills involve making the most effective and efficient choices that will most directly lead to the team’s goals. Self-starting skills are the skills a person use to motivate himself into action. Goal-centering skills are the skills to focus on the situation and the solution to a problem. This focus will lead to achieving the team’s goal and will keep one from focusing on their own or the team’s ego.