Compassion involves feelings of caring and kindness towards oneself and others in the face of personal suffering combined with the recognition to one’s suffering. The healthcare field is becoming increasingly aware of the profound impact exposure to human suffering and patients’ traumatic stories have on health care providers. Most of us enter the medical profession with strong ideals, beliefs, and faith in our ability to make a difference. The concept of vicarious traumatisation describes professional counsellors’ complex traumatic reactions deriving from cumulative exposure to traumatic patients. Burnout is endemic in healthcare professionals with up to 60% of practicing physicians reporting relevant symptoms. It is associated with various physical problems, substance abuse, higher prevalence of doctor suicide, adverse impact on personal relationships, and lower quality of care. Long working hours, poor work-life balance, diminished self-care, denial of emotions and own needs, increased administrative duties, and a perception of loss of control have all been associated with burnout.