Narrative, both as story and drama, brings together the worlds of reality and imagination in order to help people make sense of theirlives. Storytelling often starts in the homeand it is worth teachers recalling their own early language experienceas a basis for classroom work. In the classroom, narrative has bothemotional (affective) and intellectual (cognitive) dimensions, helping to express feelings and empathise with othersand to learn more about the world. When teachers become storytellers, they can take children with them on voyages of discovery and encourage the children, too, to become storytellers, enlivening their learning through imaginative and more extensive use of language. Drama and role play equally offer potential for individual emotional and creative development, collaborative learning and the expression of social and cultural identity. The teacher’s role is central in leading children to dig into the deeper meanings of the texts and situations they meet. Both drama and storytelling offer sound support for children who experience difficulties with learning and bilingual learners.