There are several elements to consider when it comes to running a shared reading activity

well. It is important to plan ahead so that you are not caught on the run trying to organise

volunteers, find name badges, set up a room, greet participants and photocopy your reading

material – all at the same time! It is also important to consider how your shared reading

activity will fit within the wider parameters of your workplace routines and budgets (if you

are running a group session) or within the regular routine of the household (if you are in a

home setting). At the end of the book you will find some templates which have been

designed to help you with planning a group session in a care facility for older people or

other community location. It is also vital that you select your reading materials carefully, so

that you offer your session the best chance of success. Think about your participants and

the sorts of material you think will be suitable for them. Of course, you should always be

ready for surprises. Sometimes a piece you thought would be a failure turns out to be a

roaring success. Sometimes, alas, the opposite is also true!