Many of the advantages of Web-based learning are equally relevant for in-class

learners as for distance learners, and there is a growing trend to incorporate a Web-

based component into the traditional classroom environment. At a fundamental level,

Web enhancement allows classes to “combine the advantages of synchronous learning

with asynchronous learning” (MacEntee & Lewis, 2004, p. 951). Whereas asyn-

chronous learning environments allow scheduling flexibility, may lead to increased

active knowledge acquisition (MacEntee & Lewis, 2004), and can preserve a degree of

anonymity, synchronous learning environments (i.e., traditional classroom environ-

ments) may have a higher degree of social presence (Richardson & Swan, 2003).

A number of studies have shown that Web-enhanced classes can result in higher

student satisfaction (Buckley, 2003), increased learning (Sanders & Morrison-Shetlar,

2001; Tuckman, 2002), and improved critical-thinking skills (Sanders & Morrison-

Shetlar, 2001).