This chapter provides an overview of mukthay combination with analysis of examples. A mukthay combination is a sequence that takes as its starting point a double or triple mukthay which is then repeated' three times. The first example takes a double mukthay as starting point, with elements of tirmana and sama mukthay as the building blocks' for the development of the overall sequence. This second example is also based on a double mukthay made up of a sama mukthay and a sub-mukthay and performed within 3 cycles of tala 10. The development of the sama mukthay in the three blocks follows the concept of a gopuchayati phrase. The third example responds more clearly to a stereotypical mukthay combination, where the boundaries of a phrase belonging to some mukthay not only overlap but also even become unrecognisable. The phrase is actually constructed on khanda while the palas in chatusra and tisra use jathi 5.