The broad concept of sustainability has caught the attention of policy makers and citizens the world over. Most of the focus of attention on sustainability and sustainable development has been on minimizing human impacts, or our 'ecological footprint', on the natural environment. An extensive planning literature now addresses sustainability, especially in terms of planning for reconciling urban development and maintaining the physical environment. Sustainability-driven ED can include such industries as solar and windmill farms, manufacturing materials recovering brownfields, and sustainable tourism. This chapter focuses on sustainable energy and conservation, redevelopment, and sustainability through social equity. 'Brownfields' are nearly ubiquitous across rural, urban, and suburban landscapes. The downtowns of many major cities are thriving today, with extensive redevelopment and repopulation. The Journal of the American Planning Association devotes a special issue to historic preservation: Appler and Rumbach (2016) study the relationship between historic preservation and planning for community resilience against natural disasters.