Militia control is the central issue during the first eighteenth months of the Long Parliament and the politically powerful constituency within the Parliament seize the control of the military to prosecute wars against Catholic foes. The anti-Catholic crusades on a British scale from both English, Scottish forces and the Palatinate manifesto with Parliament present the opportunity to rectify over two decades of Stuart failure to support international Protestantism. In 1641 and early 1642, a civil war in England was on the horizon and the Junto where their Covenanter allies are poised to bring the militant Protestant vision for a united Britain, to fulfil the potential of a united Protestant Britain. The anti-Catholic crusades on a British scale plan that was interrupted by a decade of civil war, but the vision of a united Britain is capable of countering a Continental Catholic power like Spain or France into the Crom wellian period under William III at the end of the century.