One could, in fact, argue that no two Corporate Entrepreneurship Devices are exactly similar or have exactly the same impact on employee behaviour and organisational dynamics. This chapter reviews each model in detail and describes its impact on the Corporate Entrepreneurship process and its outcomes. Once an Entrepreneurial Cell has reached its strategic goal, it can be spun-off, merged into the existing organisation or become a new operating division. Entrepreneurial Pathways provide employees with easily accessible contact points to help them discuss, test and develop their entrepreneurial projects. The Entrepreneurial Booster is a multi-project Corporate Entrepreneurship Device that shares many characteristics with the Entrepreneurial Division but maintains, thanks to various mechanisms, a strong organic link with the rest of the organisation. Typically, the Entrepreneurial Booster is an organisational entity that is autonomous in terms of its funding and daily management, but whose strategic goals and project portfolio are established jointly with senior operations managers from the parent company.