Learning mission needs to provide students with an achievement. Take the time to appreciate incredible achievements. During the first cycle of the 30 Goals Challenge, one of the participants, Marti Sides, introduced me to the Butterfly Effect theory. Edward Lorenz, a famous meteorologist and one of the pioneers of the Chaos theory, proposed the idea that small action creates an enormous impact. In 1972, Lorenz presented his paper "Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butter-fly's Wing in Brazil Set off a Tornado in Texas?" to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1995). In his paper, Lorenz proposed, "If a single flap of a butterfly's wings can be instrumental in generating a tornado, so also can all the previous and subsequent flaps of its wings, as can the flaps of the wings of millions of other butterflies, not to mention the activities of innumerable more powerful creatures, including our own species.