Until 1924 our knowledge of the Melitian l schism was based exclusively on orthodox sources which include several official ecclesiastical documents and the writings of Athanasius which are often biased. 2 Only Epiphanius seems to have used some Melitian material. 3 In 1924, however, H. I. Bell, in collaboration with W. E. Crum, published a series of seven Greek and three Coptic papyri, 4 to which Crum later added another Coptic text (JEA 13 [1927] 19–21); all the texts dated from the years 330–40, and they belonged to the archive 5 of Aurelius Pageus (Apa Paiêous), 6 head of the 448monastery called Hathor in the Upper Cynopolite nome. He is now commonly thought to have been the general superior of all Melitian monks as well. 7 For the first time information was available from the Melitian camp.