This chapter is a progression from Chapter 3 where we saw how 7Cs was initially developed. It talks in more detail concerning how a coach gets to grips with working in a 7C way identifying specific contexts within which the coachee struggles and then identifying the unconscious system and structure that supports and maintains such struggle. The chapter talks about how the task is then (using a variety of coaching skills, including hypnosis), to co-create a new system, which when triggered within this old problem context, automatically generates new forms of thinking, feeling and behaving. The chapter creates additional presuppositions for the coach to consider as well as specifying again the eight specific life contexts and how one of these contexts is content free, ‘relationship with self’ and is the key variable that co-varies with success and ‘flow’ in life within the remaining seven contexts. One appreciates in this chapter that coaching is not about associating into your ‘real’ self, but rather dissociating into the context where you wish to be excellent and benchmarking/modelling from the experts you find there. The chapter describes a coaching session with an international masters athlete and concludes with lessons learned.