This chapter looks at self-sabotaging blocks to our performance and success, including the excuse of time and money as negative factors. But when we come to ignorance, it is perhaps normal to be unintentionally ignorant about some topic or issue, since we all are from time to time. It is less valid, perhaps, to be and to remain deliberately ignorant. Forgiveness – a letting-go of the anger, resentment and bitterness – we feel towards other people who have wronged us is like a rush of powerful, fresh, clean water clearing out an old, blocked, furred up pipe or tube. The Buddhists have a practice called Tonglen, which is a way of increasing compassion for other people. It is a simple process, which if it can become a habit, changes how we typically think of and feel about others. The chance of conflict and misunderstanding, then, is heightened when we have contrasting profiles with other people.