The Craigmillar Festival Society was a community development organization that arose spontaneously in the low income area of Edinburgh. In the 1970s, E. L. Trist went to Edinburgh to consult the Craigmillar Community Arts Festival for the Craigmillar Festival Society. In recalling the project, Trist wrote that after four years of advances that were made within Shell and the industry, the complexity of the situation brought the project to a disappointing end, except in Australia, Holland, and Canada. A project that was important to Trist as the head of the Tavistock Institute’s Human Resources Center was the Shell Project. Seriously concerned with alienation and poor performance of hourly paid employees as well as many supervisors and managers, Paul Hill, Employee Relations Planning at Shell United Kingdom, approached the Human Resources Center for advice in May 1965. Trist met with a vice president of large affiliate organization who wanted an investigation into human resources projects in North America, Europe, and Japan.