Character structure, as S. Freud saw it, is the result of sublimation or reaction formation. That is, it is formed unconsciously through the efforts of the Superego to bind the forces of the Id in such a way that the Ego accepts them, and its relation to the outside world is not jeopardized. Much of the Superego is unconscious because it was incorporated by the child and without his awareness. The analysis of character structure was a direct outcome of the new interest. Character, as used in psychoanalysis, is a term applied to a relatively permanent constellation of characteristics or habitual attitudes. According to Freud, in the formation of character one of three things may happen to the libido. Parsimonious and stingy people have anal characters, and even the sharp businessman has "anal" traits. Freud described anal character as showing orderliness, parsimony and obstinacy. The hysterical character seems to be a combination of the oral aggressive and phallic.