In coming to a practical, experiential knowledge of audience, scientists may develop a conceptual vocabulary to identify the different levels and kinds of interactions they have with members of their audiences. If the writing is influenced by knowledge of and interaction with audience members, in a sense everyone with whom the scientist has had contact has a role in the writing. However, scientists, like Swendsen, who are largely concerned with ownership issues of accountability and rewards, clearly distinguish between significantly different kinds of participations in text production. Swendsen, in a depiction of such participations that he offered in response to one of my research accounts, emphasized the idea of the individual scientist who deserves and needs to be rewarded, a matter of understandable concern to Swendsen and to other scientists in their working lives. This depiction, which I present in this chapter, shows science marching forward in a linear manner, with Swendsen (or whoever is doing the publishing) hopefully on the cutting edge. It also shows scientific events to be ordered chronologically and hierarchically.