This chapter takes its cue from Bhabha’s pun of dissemiNation as a disseminal identity and probes the literary devices and contexts that formulate a national identity as “Viking identity”. The financial tycoons were nicknamed útrásarvíkingar, that is, “Outvasion Vikings”. Iceland was settled by Viking dissidents in the year 874, won by a Norwegian king in the 13th century, colonised by the Danish crown in the seventeenth, and given partial independence in 1918 and full independence during World War II. The historians pointed out some of the inconsistencies and myths of the report, especially the notion of the Viking freedom fighters and the Golden Age of Independence. The “Viking spirit” allusions are interesting in light of history, since the interactions between the Celtic populations of the British Isles and the Nordic Vikings were violent. The historians pointed out some of the inconsistencies and myths of the report, especially the notion of the Viking freedom fighters and the Golden Age of Independence.