Case Summary Multisport events are typically comprised of a variety of outdoor disciplines such as paddling, mountain biking, running, cross-country skiing, and snow shoeing. Depending upon the course and format, participants may take from several hours to an entire day to complete the course. Individuals and teams may travel hundreds of kilometres over rugged terrain. There are no standardized distances as in triathlon, and there is no international federation and only a few self-proclaimed national sport organizations. New Zealand’s Coast to Coast event, introduced in 1983, provides a one-day format for individuals and two-day option for individuals and two-person teams covering over 240 km. Organizers face a myriad of possibilities that can maintain the status quo, hinder development and growth, or increase the event’s status both domestically and globally. This case study explores issues such as permits, brand extension, role of elite athletes, and the potential formation of a national sport organization for the sport.