In 1996 he discovered a black mole on his right forearm, and a pathologist reported that the lesion was an ulcerated spindle cell melanoma. A second lesion on the back was a melanoma in situ. With no family history of cancer, and following wide removal of the cancer, the couple were optimistic for their future. Nevertheless, they discussed whether or not the use of levodopa, which is intrinsic to the tyrosine pathways involved with melanoma, could enhance the risk or accelerate the growth of a melanoma. One year later, at the time of a routine visit to the movement disorder center, his right axillary fossa was swollen by a hard and almost fist-size mass. This was removed, and four of the lymph nodes included metastases from the melanoma. After this surgery, which also went well, he was noted for the first time to have dyskinesia. For the melanoma he received α-interferon and local radiation, and after 8 years there was no further recurrence.