Publications related to geotechnical properties of residual tropical soils in Malaysia are reviewed in this chapter. It is observed that the range in geotechnical values, though large, in general exhibit increasing or decreasing trends with depth for respective weathering grades. To cater to the inherent variation in behavior with weathering grades, in the charDFWHUL]DWLRQSURFHVV OLWKRORJ\DQGZHDWKHULQJSUR¿OHVZLWKLQ WKHSURMHFW VLWH VKRXOGEH established prior to association with the respective geotechnical parameters. Relevant lab/ ¿HOGWHVWVDQGHPSLULFDOPHWKRGVWRDVVHVVJHRWHFKQLFDOSDUDPHWHUVIRUGHVLJQLPSOHPHQWDWLRQDUHDOVREULHÀ\GHVFULEHG,QOLJKWRIGLI¿FXOWLHVLQFKDUDFWHUL]DWLRQRIWKHVWUHQJWK parameters of weathered formation, a method that may be used as a basis in the preliminary determination of suitable strength parameters is presented.