For the second time in its history, the Symposium was held in Hartford, Connecticut, which played host to an impressive gathering of more than 600 participants from around the world. Sessions were varied to accommodate diverse presentations and styles, which in­ cluded a total of 120 papers, roundtable discussions, workshops, and group members' speak-outs. Pre-symposium institutes were offered, representing a broad spectrum of professional practice and educational themes focusing on theory building, qualitative research, mutual aid, time-limited groups, adventure groups, psychodrama, groups for ad­ dictive people and their families, group work with adolescents, admin­ istrative groups, private practice, and advanced skill development. The interactive plenaries, invitationals, and special presentations high­ lighted each of the main symposium themes, which in tum were re-examined in small group sessions. In addition, a media/communica­ tion center containing audiovisual equipment and programs featuring group work videos, interactive TV, and a group work computer forum was available to participants throughout the symposium.