We live in complicated and confusing times, in spaces traversed by global flows and warped by the intensity and speed of information technologies. Whether we term it late modernity or postmodernity, it is a condition that is unevenly yet unmistakably eroding our inherited ontologies and fixed imaginations of ‘how the world works.’ Our conveniently conventional geopolitical imagination, which envisions and maps the world in terms of spatial blocs, territorial presence and fixed identities, is no longer adequate in a world where space appears to be left behind by pace, where territoriality is under eclipse by telemetricality, and where simple settled identities are blurring into networks of complex unsettled hybridity. The postmodern condition seems to problematize and unsettle the modern geopolitical map; its disturbs its time-worn conditions of possibility, its conventional geographical rhetoric, its traditional territorial objects, and ontological purities. Does, therefore, postmodernity give us a new geopolitics?