Antidust respirators are one of the most important means to protect workers against such diseases as pneumonia and dust bronchitis. Labor productivity depends on their quality as they are additional source of load to people breath system. Therefore, it is very important to determine real indices of protection efficiency and breathing resistance which are the basic criteria of evaluating means of individual protection of respiratory organs (MIPRO) because calculation accuracy of dust load and people productivity depends on them. Standard methods given in GOST 12.4.041-89 were used to determine them. However, regulations harmonized with European ones which represent demands and list of methods and technique concerning test of MIPRO have come into operation in Ukraine since 2004. The aim of specialized laboratories is to determine measurement errors. It is not possible to get the permission of regulatory authority to carry out the tests without its solving. The task is complicated by the absence

of methods concerning error evaluation in European regulations in contrast to domestic ones where after described procedures of determining measurement results it is shown how to check their accuracy. So, the task is to determine the indices validity of MIPRO according to harmonized DSTU.