Several techniques for detecting shock waves from a shock-capturing solution have been documented in the literature.Ma et al. (Ma et al. 1996) and Pagendarm andSeitz (PagendarmandSeitz 1993) proposed a techniquebasedon a criterionwhich relies upondirectional derivatives of the density field. Lovely and Haimes (Lovely and Haimes 1999) suggested a different criterion based on the scalar product between the local velocity vector and pressure gradient. More recently, Kanamory and Suzuki (Kanamori and Suzuki 2011) used the theory of characteristics to identify the presence of shock waves. A common feature of all the aforementioned techniques is that they are based on local criteria. In other words, the presence of a shock at a specific grid-point within the flow-field is recognised by analysing the flow quantities at the grid-point itself and, at most, its immediate neighbours.