Glenn Gabe is the president of G-squared Interactive, a firm that provides SEO, social media marketing, and web analytics to clients. Gabe, also a columnist for Search Engine Journal, was previously the lead search strategist for the US Army, Exxon Mobil, Bertolli, and Lunesta. Gabe presents some unique perspectives on SEO, website-building, web marketing, and social media. One of the more intriguing ideas behind SEO he has spoken about is the ineffectiveness of story or clip headlines, offering insight for those in charge of drafting press releases or articles for online. From Gabe’s Search Engine Journal article on July 29, 2009:

Creative and clever headlines aren’t great for long-term sustained traffic from natural search. Most SEOs recommend creating descriptive titles based on keyword research. The reason SEOs recommend descriptive titles based on keyword research is because many have analyzed traffic across numerous sites and know how important optimized title tags are, which are often pulled from the title of the article or blog post. I said

“often” and not “always” and I’ll explain more about that later. When natural search can sometimes be a majority of a site’s traffic, it’s hard to ignore optimizing content to attract longer-term, sustained traffic from organic search.