Despite the provisions of article 39 of the Spanish Historic Heritage Law currently in force, where it says that in the interventions “attempts at reconstruction will be avoided”, in the case of rammed earth works, where the mass is a connatural necessity, where one of the principal materials that form it is usually soil, and in any case these materials are only intended for use as part of an amalgam and not individual components, it is difficult to achieve a decorous and didactic conservation without resorting to their technical or material resources. (We understand as components materials which have a precise form that is not changed in the work, and they are capable of assembling and disassembled). I think this is one of the key points in a discussion about the restoration of rammed earth works. Therefore, it is not fortuitous that the restoration of rammed earth structures is linked with construction in the full meaning of the word and not to mere treatments to the mass or the surface. Although the decisions are always partly subjective, in the restoration of rammed earth architecture I think construction is the principal solution.