The interest for the High Atlas zone is not recent. After Roger Mimo’s publication, “Fortalezas de Barro” (Mimó 1996) and Vicente Soriano’s splendid work (Soriano Alfaro 2006), there have been several workshops promoted by the University of Architecture of Valencia and Barcelona, and supported by el Colegio de Arquitectos, which have focused their attention on this singular architecture in order to bring the richness of rammed-earth constructions in Morroco into our western context. Other experiences were developed in Todra Valley (Cerkas, UPC/Colegio de Aparejadores y Arquitectos técnicos de Barcelona, 1998-2001), Skoura heart (Cerkas/ETSAV-UPV) as well as in Draa Valley (Cerkas/EPFL), with interesting results, that have been part of our preliminary studies.