In 1936 Nikolai Borgoraz from Russia published the first report of phalloplasty using a tubed pedicle technique.1

Maltz (1946) and Gillies (1948) made the urethra and phallus simultaneously from an abdominal tubed pedicle flap, using a tube within tube technique.2,3 This was a multistage operation, using delayed pedicle transfer to reduce the risk of graft loss. The Gillies phalloplasty was the standard technique for the next 30 years. Chang and Hwang (1984) published the first report of the radial forearm flap phalloplasty using a tube within tube technique for the urethra.4 This phallus could develop sensation because of nerve anastomoses. The excellent aesthetic properties allowed the radial forearm flap phalloplasty to supplant the Gillies phalloplasty as the procedure of choice. The main drawback with this flap is the very visible donor site defect.