This chapter provides an overview of an Esper Analysis of Leon’s Photograph. One of the more interesting concepts in Hampton’s and People’s scripts was the Esper. The Esper made two appearances, one was as the small terminal in Deckard’s apartment through which he runs Leon’s photograph and the other was in the Blue Room. The photograph that draws Deckard’s eye is strikingly, mysteriously beautiful, and so leaps out from its seedy surroundings, even though it is, in effect, an image of them. The Esper displays a slightly cropped version of the photograph on its video monitor, and then responding to a sequence of voiced commands from Deckard, proceeds to isolate and enlarge a variety of specific portions of the image. Esper analysis makes manifest the internal spatio-temporal coherence of the world of the film. The analysis gives Deckard a way of finding Zhora, and thereby the other replicants.