Cosmopolitanism is a philosophical and political movement defending equality among humans and the idea of world citizenship as guiding principles. Cosmopolites claim that overcoming ethnic communalism and nationalism as institutions to define social identity, and promoting instead world citizenship and the principle of universal hospitality, will create conditions for lasting peace among people. Cosmopolitanism is a core element of the political rhetoric and policy agendas of major international organisations such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It also has flowed into the realms of modern tourism discourse and practice where it constitutes a new meta-narrative. This chapter briefly introduces the history of the cosmopolite movement and then explores different connections with tourism discourse, policy and practice. In this exploration, the anthropological and philosophical concept of hospitality is a constant element of reflection, demonstrating the potentials and limits of the cosmopolite movements to contribute to inter-cultural dialogues and more peaceful relations between people and nations.