Indigenous tourism has many synonyms, including ethnic tourism, ethnotourism, ethno-ecotourism and aboriginal tourism. In spite of this ambiguity, indigenous tourism emerged as an important research field in the 1990s (Mercer 1995; Butler and Hinch 1996; Picard and Wood 1997; Moscardo and Pearce 1999; Zeppel 2007: 310). Many bibliographical references were compiled by the Canadian Tourism Commission (1997) for Canada. More recently, Kutzner et al. (2007) collected 323 references on indigenous tourism. In 2011, 41 papers related to indigenous tourism were published in the Bulletin of Latin American Research. The term ‘ethnic group’ is cited 57 times in the key words of CABI index of 2002, making it one of the most popular terms in the index since 1990, along with the concepts of history, sustainability and cultural heritage (Hall et al. 2007: 37).