Cal Taylor and E. Paul Torrance both capitalized on the call to action ushered forth during J. P. Guilford’s American Psychological Association (APA) Presidential address; the study of creativity was in its infancy, and Taylor and Torrance were at the forefront of shaping this new fi eld of research. Both born in 1915, their careers intersected and overlapped as they both tried to understand, measure, develop, and encourage creative talent in both children and adults. Each developed instruments to help identify creative potential: Taylor’s Biographical Inventories, Form U and Torrance’s Torrance Test of Creative Thinking. Their work also had great practical application, working with schools, corporations, and other organizations to increase creative behaviors and production. Due to their research and application of their work, creativity is a part of many current defi nitions of giftedness and often considered in the identifi cation process.