Minnie the Minx is the archetypal mischief-maker, creating havoc with her feline ally Chester wherever they go. In the 1996 Beano Annual, Minnie’s ‘AZ of Minxing’ gives us E for the Egg Minnie throws at Dad’s head, and F for Fury when he sees red. Fights occur, suits are reduced to rags and manure is traipsed across carpets, so that Minnie is acknowledged as the No. 1 pest and worn out from a wonderful day full of ‘excellent minxing in every way’, falls blissfully asleep under a large picture of Dennis the Menace. Memories of Minnie as a baby reveal Dad’s dreadful premonition: ‘Gasp! She’s going to be a real monkey this one!’; and there are many stories of Minnie to confirm that this has come true.