A rich midden layer, distinguished from other middens of the site by its very dark color and greasy consistency, was present at the top of Trench 9. Cittarium pica shells and ceramic sherds of the Chican Ostionoid series were noticeable in a dense mixture of shell, charcoal, bone and other cultural material in very little soil (Munsell color, 10YR3/2 very dark greyish brown silt). The presence of Manatus trichecus rib bones on the ground surface and in Trench 9 fill suggested that the greasiness of the midden was the result of manatee roasting. In all aspects, this midden level, identified as Level C/E in Trench 9, was continuous with midden found at the tops of EUs N2033.50/1843.50E; N2037/ 1842E; and N2037/1836E, and presumably shared a similar chronological position.