The 1996 external financial report of Philips provides many representations of gender relations. Philips illustrates the slogans ‘Let’s be partners in success’ and ‘Let’s be the best’ (Plate 9.1) by pictures of exclusively male employees enthusiastically conversing and profoundly frowning. The slogans ‘Let’s put more

pleasure into leisure’ and ‘Let’s relax on the move’, on the other hand, are illustrated by pictures of male customers accompanied by smiling women to brighten up their leisure time. The slogan ‘Let’s start the day with a smile’ (Plate 9.2) shows a man at home next to a toaster while a woman is lovingly feeding him breakfast, literally lifting the bread to his mouth. Women and men are portrayed here in traditional positions, with women symbolizing men’s private lives as opposed to their professional lives. Opportunities to break through traditional gender images remain unutilized throughout this annual report.