This chapter is based on the findings from a research initiative funded by the Oxfordshire Local Education Authority between January 1989 and May 1990. A research project was set up to evaluate the impact that special funding was having on the range and numbers of non-traditional adult students taking part in Access projects and courses. The new styles of learning the students were being offered were also to be monitored. Projects were divided into four levels:

• a foundation level for skills necessary in everyday life, e.g. reading, writing, speaking, numeracy and practical and coping skills

• a return to learning (introductory) level which builds on existing skills or introduces a range of new foundation skills and subjects, e.g. learning to learn, language and mathematics, and community and group skills

• a return to learning (advanced) level which enables participants to acquire or develop basic concepts and principles of enquiry in chosen areas of study and which also enables them to achieve functional competence in languages, maths, etc.