Puberty is defined as a period of transition from childhood to adulthood that encompasses physiologic, somatic, and constitutional changes associated with further development of the internal and external genitalia and secondary sex characteristics. It is during this period of transition that thelarche, adrenarche, pubarche, peak height velocity, and ultimately menarche occur. The culmination of pubertal development is physical maturity along with the capacity to procreate. The subject of puberty can be subdivided into the somatic or physical changes in association with the external appearance of an adult and the psychological maturational process, both of which are heralded by an efflux of hormones from the adrenal glands and ovaries in girls, and from the testes in boys. It is the culmination of these effects that produces the somatic changes indi

Infancy Uterus 2.5mm

Ovary 1.5×3×2.5mm

Reproduced with permission: Sanfilippo, J.S., Lavery, J.P.: The spectrum of ultrasound: antenatal to adolescent years. Semin. Reprod. Endocrinol., (1)45, 1988.