This is just a small selection of the most useful collections available for this period. Of paramount importance is J.P. Kenyon, The Stuart Constitution, 1603-88, 2nd edn (Cambridge, 1986), a collection of well-edited constitutional, political and religious documents with a revised commentary which takes account of new interpretations and more recent research. For reference alongside this are the modern editions of Stuart Royal Proclamations, edited by J.F. Larkin and P.L. Hughes (Oxford, 1973) and J.F. Larkin (Oxford, 1982). The period of the Revolution is well covered by S.R. Gardiner, Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution, 1625-1660, 3rd edn (1906); Stuart E. Prall, ed., The Puritan Revolution: A Documentary History (1968), which offers a wide selection of documents covering most aspects of the Revolution; Ivan Roots, ed., Speeches of Oliver Cromwell (1989), which contains all Cromwell’s major speeches with an incisive introduction by the editor; Keith Lindley, The English Civil War and Revolution: A Source Book (1998), which provides a wealth of source material together with a most helpful introduction; and A.S.P. Woodhouse, ed., Puritanism and Liberty, being the Army Debates, 1647-9, 3rd edn (1986, with a revised preface 1992). For the later period W.C. Costin and J.S. Watson, The Law and Working of the Constitution, vol I: 1660-1783, 2nd edn (1961) is an indispensable guide, particularly on the constitutional aspects; and A. Browning, ed., English Historical Documents, VIII: 1660-1714 (1953) covers a wide range of topics each with perceptive editorial comments.