Terrorism does not need to bring the consequences of globalization back home.They are already here. In what follows I will argue that physical illness in the West increases as global profit grows, and that there is a strong case for believing that mental illness grows as well. I will also argue that there is a relationship between globalization (which in this book means economic globalization) and the destruction of the climate by pollution.There is also an observable relation between globalization and the rise of environmental, immune-deficient, stress-induced, and depressive disease.We are dealing with a causal chain in which globalization increases profit because it speeds up production and distribution; as production and distribution speed up, so do fossil fuel emissions, whose quantitative increase far outweighs the positive changes in emissions control. Hence more pollution and climate damage; hence environmental illness. Of course profits were made by speeding up production and distribution before globalization, just as environmental sickness preceded the growth in trade that has marked the period since the early 1970s. But globalization makes it worse.