This Palamon answerde, and seyde agayn, 'Cosyn, for sothe of this opinioun Thow hast a veyn ymaginacioun; This prison caused me nat for to crye, But I was hurt right now thurghout myn eye Into myn herte, that wol my bane be. The fairnesse of that lady that I see Yond in the gardyn romen to and fro, Is cause of al my criyng and my wo. 11 oo I noot wher she be womman or goddesse, But Venus is it, soothly, as I gesse.' And therwithal on knees doun he fil, And seyde: 'Venus, if it be thy wil Yow in this gardyn thus to transfigure Bifore me, sorweful, wrecche creature, Out of this prisoun helpe that we may sea pen. And if so be my destynce be shapen, By eterne word, to dyen in prisoun, Of our lynage have som compassioun, 1110 That is so lowe y-broght by tirannye.'