The Life of Theseus at this present solemnise the feast, which they call Boedromia. But Clidemus the Historiographer, desirous particularly to write all the circumstances of this encownter, sayeth that the left poynte of their battell bent towards the place which they call Amazonion: and that the right poynte marched by the side of Chrysa, even to the place which is called Pnyce, upon which, the Athenians comming towards the temple of the Muses, did first geve their charge. And for proofe that this is true, the graves of the women which dyed in this first encounter, are founde yet in the great streete, which goeth towards the gate Piraica, neere unto the chappell of the Iitle god Chalcodus. And the Athenians (sayeth he) were in this place repulsed by the Amazones, even to the place where the images of Eumenides are, that is to saye, of the furies. But on thother side also, the Athenians comming towards the quarters of Palladium, Ardettus, and Lucium, drave backe their right poynte even to within their campe, and slewe a great number of them. Afterwards, at the ende of foure moneths, peace was taken betwene them by meanes of one of the women called Hyppolita. For this Historiographer calleth the Amazone which Theseus maried, Hyppolita, and not Antiopa.1 Nevertheles, some saye that she was slayne (fighting on Theseus side) with a darte, by another called Molpadia. In memorie whereof, the piller which is joyning to the temple of the Olympian ground, was set up in her honour. We are not to marvell, if the historie of things so auncient, be founde so diversely written. For there are also that write, that Queene Antiopa sent those secretly which were hurte then into the cittie of Calcide, where some of them recovered, and were healed: and others also dyed, which were buried neere to the place called Amazonion. Howsoever it was, it is most certain that this warre was ended by agreement. For a place adjoyning to the temple of Theseus, clothe beare recorde of it, being called Orcomosium: bicause the peace was there by solemne othe concluded. And the sacrifice also clothe truely verifie it, which they have made to the Amazones, before the feast of Theseus, long time out of minde. They of Megara also doe shewe a tumbe of the Amazones in their cittie, which is as they goe from the market place, to the place they call Rhus: where they finde an auncient tumbe, cut in facion and forme of a losenge. They saye that there died other of the Amazones also, neere unto the cittie of Chaeronea, which were buried all alongest the Iitle br[o]oke passing by the same, which in the olde time, (in mine opinion) was called Thermodon, and is nowe named Haemon, as we have in other places written in the life of