Richard III greved and troubled with hys brothers dayly querimonye, caused hym to be apprehended, and cast into the Towre, where he beyng taken and adjudged for a Tray tor, was prively drouned in a But of Malvesey.l

But sure it is that although kyng Edward were consentyng to his death and destruccion, yet he much dyd bothe lamente his infortu~ nate chaunce, and repent hys sodayne execucion. 2 Inasmuche, that when any person sued to hym for Pardon or remission, of any male~ factor condempned to the punishment of death, he woulde accusto~ mably saye, & openly speke, 0 infortunate brother, for whose lyfe not one creature would make intercession,s openly spekyng, and apparantly meanynge, that by the meanes of some of the nobilitie, he was circumvented, and brought to hys confusion.'