Julius CtEsar mouth, supposing that to be ruled by one man alone, it would be a good meane for them to take breth a litle, after so many troubles and miseries as they had abidden in these civill waITes: they chose him perpetuall Dictator'! This was a plaine tyranny: for to this absolute power of Dictator, they added this, never to be affraied to be deposed. Cicero propounded before the Senate, that they should geve him such honors, as were meete for a man: howbeit others afterwardes added to, honors beyonde all reason. For, men striving who shoulde most honor him, they made him hatefull and troublesome to them selves that most favored him, by reason of the unmeasurable greatnes and honors which they gave him. Thereuppon, it is reported, that even they that most hated him, were no lesse favorers and furtherers of his honors, then they that most flattered him: bieause they might have greater occasions to rise, and that it might appeare they had just cause and colour to attempt that they did against him. And now for him selfe, after he had ended his civill warres, he did so honorably behave him selfe, that there was no fault to be founde in him: and therefore me thinkes, amongest other honors they gave him, he rightly deserved this, that they should builde him a temple of clemency, to thanke him for his curtesie he had used unto them in his victorie.2 For he pardoned many of them that had borne armes against him, and furthermore, did preferre some of them to honor and office in the common wealth: as amongest others, Cassius and Brutus, both the which were made Prretors.3 And where Pompeys images had bene throwen downe, he caused them to be set up againe4 : whereupon Cicero sayd then, that Cresar setting up Pompeys images againe, he made his owne to stand the surer. And when some of his fi'ends did counsell him to have a gard for the safety of his person, and some also did offer them selves to serve him: he would never consent to it, but sayd, it was better to dye once, then alwayes to be affrayed of death5• But to win him selfe the love and good will of the people, as the honorablest gard and best safety he could have: he made common feasts againe, and generall distributions of corne. Furthermore, (l to gratifie the souldiers also, he replenished many cities againe with inhabitantes, which before had bene destroyed, and placed them there that had no place to repaire unto: of the which the noblest and chief est cities were these two, Carthage, and Corinthe, and it chaunced so, that