106 Julius Ctesar hoping to returne againe to Rome, when the furie of the people were a litle asswaged. The which they hoped would be quickly, considering that they had to deale with a fickle and un constant multitude, easye to be caried, and that the Senate stoode for them: who notwithstanding made no enquiery of them that had torne poore Cinna the Poet in peeces, but caused them to be sought for and apprehended, that went with fire brands to set fire of the conspirators houses. The people growing weary now of Antonius pride and insolency, who ruled all things in manner with absolute power: they desired that Brutus might returne againe, and it was also looked for, that Brutus would come him selfe in person to playe the playes which were due to the people, by reason of his office of Prretorship. But Brutus understanding that many of Cresars souldiers which served under him in the warres, and that also had lands and houses given them in the cities where they lay, did lye in wayte for him to kill him, and that they dayly by small companies came by one and by one into Rome: he durst no more returne thither, but yet the people had the pleasure and pastyme in his absence, to see the games and sportes he made them, which were sumptuouslie set foorth and furnished with all thinges necessarie, sparing for no cost.1