AUGUR. 0 stay those steeps that leade thee to thy death, The angry heavens with threeatning dire aspect, Boding mischance, and balfull massacers, Menace the overthrowe of Cilisars powre: 1640 Saturne sits frowning on the God of Wane, Who in their sad conjunction do conspire, Uniting both their bale full influences, To heape mischance, and danger to thy life: The Sacrificing beast is heart-Ies found: Sad ghastly sightes, and raysed Ghostes appeal'e, Which fill the silent woods, with groning cries: The hoarse Night-raven tunes the chearles voyce, And calls the bale-full Owle, and howling Doge, To make a consort. In whose sad song is this, 1650 Neere is the overthrow of Cilisars blisse. Exit.